Friday, February 12, 2010

life is uneasy


for all the illness, sickness, hurt-ness
make me
breathless, heartless, feeling-less
i dont know how to heal these wound
its wont seem to heal

life is uneasy, dead is hard
but, life is better than dead
even dead seem like in peaceful
but, whose know "there"

i still cant find the answer for all my question,
so damn much question in myself
its make me stress

hidup xsemudah yang korg sangka
hidup xsehappy yg korang fikir
hidup xsebahagia sperti yg korang inginkan

aku mencari disetiap sudut hati aku,
sebuah jawapan yg pasti.
hanya aku ketemui,
yang pasti hidup perlu di teruskan,
walau ape yg terjadi.
*itukah jwpn nye?*

p/s : to the "answer" im tired enough
playing hide and seek,
please show yourself!


Anonymous said...

got the answer?

Unknown said... it..

little lady~ said...

saya tak penah sangka hidup itu mudah:)

Unknown said...

bagus la,
kalau xpenah sgka..;D