Wednesday, January 28, 2009

and about nagEe again...~

agak lewat aku tdo hari ini... bese la lame dah xwat naek comp dlm ai ni aku nk naek ats kpale sket..[huhuh3!] skali skalo...ble ag ka?....
xctually aku xde story nk d ceritakan tp...aku agak borimk skrang agk mnarik la kalu aku naip xtntu psl camni... nk tulis dlm diary aku x bli ag.. wierd!! january nearly to end...!
xsmpt la nk pk psl diary....

td aku pegi mnjenguk blog gee...wah!! terharu...she always give a strength word...! wateva la.. but i appriciete it~...tanx a lot gee...even we long time not see...but u always in my heart... my pain is begin to fade... try to look forward to my day.....tanx to Allah cause giv me a frens like u...

so aku ade lagu nk kasi kat ko gee...~

we're soarin'
and there's not a star in heaven
that we cant reach
if we're trying so we're breaking free
you know the world can see us
in a way that's different than who we are
creating space between us
till we're separate hearts
but your faith it gives me strength
strength to believe
we're breakin' free
we're soarin'
there's not a star in heaven
that we cant reach
if we're trying so we're breakin' free
can you feel the building
like a wave the ocean just cant contorl
connected by a feeling
in our very soul
rising till it lifts us up
so everyone can see
we're runnin'...
to get to that place
to be all that we can be
now's the time
so we're breakin' free
more than hope, more than faith
this is true, this is fate
and together we see it coming
more than you, more than me
not a want, but a need
both of us breakin' free
now's the time we're breaking free
you know the world can see us
in a way that's different than who we are...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

all new now...


wah!! lame rse x post blog...xtually xsmpat and xde mase nk bkak comp... bese la dah masuk taun new resolution is...kurgkan maen comp... bak kate umi.. "palo otok hop xbeto doh..dok maen comp lagi lagi selok"...

hari nie aku agak rajin nk nak citer la ckit pasal taun baru ni... coz ni la first post aku utk taun 2009...

aku bru blk dri tamrin form 1...wah!! aku jdi ad-hoc... cam xcye jer... tringat zaman muda2 dulu... [mcm la tua sgt..hehehe3] best sgt2... ad-hoc2 yg laen pown spotim...and this is my first experince as ad-hoc for tamrin kat skolah..slame ni aku jdi peserta jer... aku rse cam satu penghargaan bg aku.. coz dibri kepercayaan utk di ad-hoc dlm tamrin tuh...even aku bkn BADATI, UBKK or bdn2 induk kat skolah...mcm xcye hakikatnye aku amat mncintai mlm tamrin tuh....hurm~ harap2 dpt la lgi pluang ni...

pasal bebdk form 1 tue...first2 tu mmg nmpk cam dgr cakap, keras kpl and haty... tp prubahan tu nmpk lah time akhir2 tamrin..senang kate..nmpk mcm insaf gtu....the scene that i will not forget forever is....aku jdi setegas2 mnusia time syahid race... yela aku d bri task cam tue nk kte cam ner... aku powm mcm xcye..that thing's hard to believe....!

ok..citer psl tamrin dah abes...and now about me!!

aku skrang ni dok klas 4 science 6...alhamdullilah!! Allah masih membri title 'science' kat aku... syukur sgt...aku xkn sia2 kan pmbrian itu...result aku tuh..xpyh la ckp eks.... nati kucing dgr pown gelak gulim2...hampeh!!!

mase first tu aku rse mcm...wah!!!! aku tersingkir dri mereka2.....! klas last skali.... tp aku agk terharu...even aku dok klas akhir...kwn2 ku xprnh lupakan aku...diorg always ar visited aku kat klas... stress thap dinasour mse mula msuk... sbb klas aku 14 mnusia jer yg mnghuni klas tu... bygkan lah~

tp aku akui kekurang org itu satu wOo!! bdak skit dalam klas... ckgu bg attention lbh la~ pasal kwn2 aku tuh... mereka2 skrang ni di mrata tmpat.. sume berpecah... tp kteorg still dekat dihaty....
tini- 4sc1
lbh kurang tuh la..yg laen tuh aku xsbut la.. byk sgt... hurm~ my God bless our soul....! smoga taun nih kteorg lbh bg tumpuan kat plajaran.... jgn dok byk maen jer...

mmg aku akui taun agak sibuk dgn aku still xlupe keje skolah.... agak bangga... aku stakat ni xpenah xbuat keje skolah [nmpk sgt sblum nih slalu xbuat keje] haha5! biarkan lah... itu dulu..zaman aku muda2... hahahaha3~